google-site-verification=1wHpD0AK0joVtuq2K7vIHi3qDgLcYnrEDhXO2UfaBwE Saudi Rubber Flooring Sports Flooring: SAUDI TURF TEAM Who were the first users of rubber ?

Thursday, April 21, 2016

SAUDI TURF TEAM Who were the first users of rubber ?

SAUDI TURF TEAM Who were the first users of rubber ?

The Indians of Central and South America (Incas, Mayas, Olmecs, Aztecs, ...) are known to have used the unique properties of rubber for religious or magical ceremonies e.g.

numerous figurines and balls made from rubber moulded were found in the heart of the sacred wells. Indians also found the incredible propriety of waterproofing and used it for their clothes and shoes. At the end of XVth century, Christopher Columbus was certainly the first European assisting to the famous Aztec game with rubber balls representing the Sun, most important Aztec god.

Progressively these balls were exported via the Mississippi to the Great Lakes and Haiti.

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