google-site-verification=1wHpD0AK0joVtuq2K7vIHi3qDgLcYnrEDhXO2UfaBwE Saudi Rubber Flooring Sports Flooring: SAUDI TURF TEAM SOCCER FIELD EQUIPMENT

Monday, March 21, 2016




It is essential to consider in detail all the implications of the proposal before deciding how to proceed. Failure to consider all aspects of the project early in the development process will result in lost opportunities. Still worse, it may not be possible to correct resultant problems without making radical alterations to established plans thus causing delay and possibly, additional costs. Lack of appropriate planning in the early stages of the design of natural turf playing surfaces will be costly and severely affect the long-term viability of the project. A poorly considered proposal resulting in a mediocre facility will discourage users and/or increase maintenance costs to unsustainable levels. A well-designed surface, properly constructed and maintained, is enjoyable to play on and forms a major incentive for players to join your club.
Strategic Planning 
Careful consideration must be given to the specific requirements of the playing surfaces and supporting ancillary facilities. It should not be assumed that because an existing facility or pitch, for example, is located in a certain position that it should stay there. Careful re-planning will be rewarded by efficient layouts that are often easier and more economic to construct and maintain


Good drainage is a key requirement and a naturally well-drained site will form a sound basis for a playing surface. On land where the soil tends to be impervious, adequate provision for supplementary drainage must be provided to meet the needs of the intended use.


The pressure to get matches played means they often take place at inappropriate times, for example during heavy rain. Frequently, maintenance routines during and after the season are unable to restore the pitch to an adequate state for quality play to take place. A vicious circle of deterioration sets in directly related to poor drainage and compaction of the playing surface. The majority of playing surfaces require a designed drainage system to provide satisfactory playing conditions throughout the playing season. Upgrading a poorly drained pitch or constructing a new one does not necessarily solve the drainage and usage problem. Poor construction, lack of effective maintenance and overuse of the pitch will, eventually, lead to poor drainage and unacceptable playing conditions. It is essential that pitches be designed taking account of the estimated intensity of use. Players under the age of 15 are judged to inflict about half the damage to a pitch than their more senior counterparts. Therefore, a pitch used predominantly by juniors can accommodate approximately twice the capacity of one used solely by more senior players.

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