google-site-verification=1wHpD0AK0joVtuq2K7vIHi3qDgLcYnrEDhXO2UfaBwE Saudi Rubber Flooring Sports Flooring: SAUDI TURF TEAM badminton Shuttlecock

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

SAUDI TURF TEAM badminton Shuttlecock

SAUDI TURF TEAM badminton Shuttlecock
A shuttlecock (often abbreviated to shuttle; also called a birdie) is a high-drag projectile, with an open conical shape: the cone is formed from sixteen overlapping feathers embedded into a rounded cork base. The cork is covered with thin leather or synthetic material. Synthetic shuttles are often used by recreational players to reduce their costs as feathered shuttles break easily. These nylon shuttles may be constructed with either natural cork or synthetic foam base, and a plastic skirt.
Badminton rules also provide for testing a shuttlecock for the correct speed:
3.1: To test a shuttlecock, hit a full underhand stroke which makes contact with the shuttlecock over the back boundary line. The shuttlecock shall be hit at an upward angle and in a direction parallel to the side lines.
3.2: A shuttlecock of the correct speed will land not less than 530 mm and not more than 990 mm short of the other back boundary line.

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