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Monday, February 1, 2016

saudi turf team Testing Instruments That Ensure Best Quality Of Rubber Products

saudi turf team Testing Instruments That Ensure Best Quality Of Rubber Products

For industries, rubber is a very important material. Rubber is very versatile and is extensively used in a variety of industrial and domestic applications. Most of the countries obtain rubber naturally from plants. The rubber obtained from the plants is not very useful as it is very soft and cannot be used for heavy applications. 
For industries, rubber is a very important material. Rubber is very versatile and is extensively used in a variety of industrial and domestic applications. Most of the countries obtain rubber naturally from plants. The rubber obtained from the plants is not very useful as it is very soft and cannot be used for heavy applications. In order to make it useful for rigorous industrial usage, the rubber is made hard by the process of vulcanization.
Vulcanization is the process in which the rubber is made hard by changing its molecular structure and chemical composition. Sulphur is added to the natural rubber during the process of vulcanization which makes it harder and suitable for further use. Rubber is mainly used for making industrial products, machine components, gaskets, seals and so forth. It is also used for making automotive components and tires. As this material is used for some very critical and important application, it is essential that the quality of the rubber used for various purposes is high and could last for a long time without damage or failure. It is the duty of the manufacturers to ensure that the quality of the materials and products offered to their clients is of best quality and high precision. This can only be possible with the help of proper quality assurance processes and quality testing instruments. There is a variety of testing instruments that must be used on rubber to make sure that the best quality products are manufactured in the plants. Below are discussed some of the major testing instruments that are used in rubber industries for best quality assurance
DIN Abrasion Testers.
Abrasion is a phenomenon that occurs on rubber materials when the rubber is rubbed against a rough surface or material. When this happens, there is some sort of erosion that can deform or distort the surface of rubber. This can be a big problem for many industrial applications hence it is necessary to test the resistance offered by a rubber material against abrasion. This is done with the help of a DIN abrasion tester.
Shore Hardness Tester
The shore hardness of a rubber product is another major attribute which contributes to its quality. This property leads to a harder rubber product with harder edges. In order to judge this property of rubber products, a testing instrument called Shore Hardness Tester is used which accurately gives the measurement of the hardness of the edges of a rubber product.
Apart from these, there are also many other instruments and test procedures that ensure the best quality of rubber such as  flex tester, IRHD rubber hardness tester, ozone chamber and so forth. 

1 comment :

  1. Dust test chamber is used to perform dust test and to test the functioning of the components under different climatic conditions. The test duration and the actual composition of the dust will be indicated.
