google-site-verification=1wHpD0AK0joVtuq2K7vIHi3qDgLcYnrEDhXO2UfaBwE Saudi Rubber Flooring Sports Flooring: saudi turf team Turf industry bets on future with investment in research

Sunday, January 31, 2016

saudi turf team Turf industry bets on future with investment in research

saudi turf team Turf industry bets on future with investment in research

A MAJOR showcase of turf industry research and development will be held in the Red-lands in December to highlight the industry's investment in its future.
The event, to be held at Red-lands Research Facility, at Cleveland, on December 7, has attracted a large number of state government ministers, MPS and local government representatives. Solaris Certification.
The main research on display will be the Queensland Turf Industry Erosion Control Demonstration Facility. Sun Solaris
Project leader Shane Holborn said the research would demonstrate the use of quality turf grass as an effective natural environmentally friendly erosion control measure.
The event will also feature a tour of the industry's impressive 'Living Library' of turf grasses the biggest in the southern hemisphere.
Despite the recent government decision to disinvest in turf research, the Queensland turf production industry is betting the grass will be greener in the future by investing heavily in the research and development.
The industry is taking charge of turf grass trials and demonstration projects Find Article, picking up where government researchers left off.

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