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We cover the rubber factories in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf

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We cover the rubber factories in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, and that the manufacture of rubber rolls, and manufacture of raw materials for sports floors, such as polyurethane, acrylic, and manufacturer of sports equipment for football stadiums and basketball courts and playgrounds aircraft and other venues. And all the protection floors.
Rubber flooring can also be installed on the walls to be the protection of military training rooms, as well as protection around pools and in wet places.
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Why Rubber Land?

Rubber flooring can also be installed on the walls to be the protection of military training rooms, as well as protection around pools and in wet places.

  • Coatings for Concrete, Metal - Previously Coated Floors
  • High-Gloss Reflective Coatings Available
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  • Easy-to-Clean - Maintain
  • 100% Solids - Waterborne Coatings Available
  • Dense Seamless with Low Porosity
  • All Colors Available
  • Excellent Impact - Abrasion Resistance
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Low Odor

Rubber flooring :Safety and permanent beauty.

our products

Rubber flooring :Safety and permanent beauty.

our services

Contact Information

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[email protected]
Mr. Malaz Mob: 0552998172 / 01266637666

Thursday, December 7, 2017

نقدكم لكم موقع المعلومات والتسعير للبناء والمقاولات

نقدكم لكم موقع المعلومات والتسعير للبناء والمقاولات
المعرض السعودي للبنائين :
معرض سعودي KsaExpo يوفر لكم الموقع امكانية التواصل المباشر مع البنائين والمقاوليين والشركات المنفذة للمشاريع مباشرة - وبجميع مجالات إنشائية وصناعية، حيث يمكن تطلب عرض سعر مباشرة لعدد 3 عروض أسعار.
المعرض السعودي للبنائين.. صمم ليساعد..
4- بنائين مشاتل ولاند سكيب وزراعة 5-انظمة الري
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Monday, November 27, 2017

playground material and crumb rubber

Upgrading the Shredder: Cleaner Cuts and lower knife costs

Figure 1 – Hook knives.
If you own and operate a shredder, you know that the capital cost of the equipment is just a small part of the story. Shredders, by nature of their operation, require frequent maintenance. Most maintenance time with shredders is spent replacing hooks and knives.
Shredders operate in two ways: shearing (cutting like a scissor) and tearing (ripping material apart). Many types of materials can be ripped or cut apart. Sometimes having the two methods together can be an upgrade to a shredding operation. Beyond that, though, the ability to replace shredder knives without removing the shafts can save tons of time and money for recyclers and other shredder users.
Take for example figure 1 above. This is the typical hook knife arrangement found in almost all shredders. The principle is clear - grab the product to be shredded, force it against an offset hook and tear it apart. Brute force is applied in this case to accomplish the goal of shredding. The typical product produced by tearing material is not uniform or cubical. In contrast, if you shear, or scissor-cut the same tire, you end up with product as seen in figure 3 (below). In this case, the shreds were "scissor cut" using CM-patented replaceable knives, as shown in figure 4 (below).
Shredder owners might wonder why they would care how the shredding action occurs, as long as you get shredded materials or destruction of the product. The answer is really a matter of economics, and in some cases what the final product will be used for.
In many cases, shredding is for simple reduction in size of a product, so that it can be disposed of and take up less space in a landfill. In other cases, it could be for assurance that a product is destroyed. Industries such as food, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and consumer goods want products destroyed when they are expired, mislabelled or recalled. This ensures that the product never reaches the black market or, worse, injures or kills someone.
With recycling, materials ranging from tires to electronics can be shredded to make other products, or to recover valuable metals and plastics.
Shredded, recycled tire material, processed to a specific size and shape as is achieved by scissor cutting, can be very efficiently used as fuel (tire-derived fuel), mulch, playground material and crumb rubber, as well as in asphalt or turned back into raw materials using pyrolysis, as some examples.
Breaking down the Cost savingsFirst off, it should be remembered that it is the knives that are doing the cutting. The sandwiched hook blade is there for one purpose only - to grab the product to be shredded and introduce it to the knives. The sharp edges of the knives act similarly to hand scissors, and tolerances are approximately 0.001 inches from the opposing knives. The slow rotating shafts are very "beefy" and the gearbox is extremely powerful. 
So where do the cost savings come from in using replaceable knives in shredders? 
CM replaceable knives can be sharpened and reused. In some cases, when using the patented CM Double Stack knives arrangement, you can get up to six uses from one knife. What you can see in figure 4 is that bolt-in CM knives can be swapped to the other side for the first reuse. Then, for the second reuse, you grind the sides of the knives down from 2.2 inches to 2 inches. When they become dull, you then swap to the other side for the third reuse. Then for the next reuse, you grind the knives down to 1.8 inches - and then the last reuse is to again swap them to the other side of the cutter. This gives you a total of six uses from the same knife with no welding and no shaft disassembly. This is a major cost savings.
Other savings in time and money come from the clear fact that these knives can be replaced while in the shredder. You do not have to disassemble the shafts at all. This can save up to two days of maintenance time. The CM system also incorporates replaceable side wear plates. 
With replaceable, reusable knives, the savings add up. CM replaceable knives provide much lower spare parts cost, the ability to reuse knives multiple times, less maintenance time and more in-service running of the shredder during maintenance. 

This article was originally published in Recycling Product News, September 2017, Volume 25, Number 6.
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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Stadium Chair in saudi arabia best price with installation 0552998172 Jeddah

10CMT Stadium Seat CMT Stadium Seat Price, Info, and Pics The main section on our rundown of the best 10 stadium seats is this collapsing seat from Cascade Mountain Tech. The CMT Stadium Seat couldn't be considerably less difficult to utilize: simply unfurl the backrest, slide U-formed help bars under a seat style cheap seat, and pull up a chair! The canvas situate is fortified with bungee lines to keep you very much bolstered and agreeable regardless of the possibility that the diversion goes into additional time. Generally, this is a fine stadium situate, it's slightly overrated contrasted with the others on the rundown.

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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Liked on YouTube: متوفر لدينا مواد بولي يوريثان والأكريليك جدة 0582223480 Jeddah Polyurethane Wonderful Videos Watch it...!

Liked on YouTube: متوفر لدينا مواد بولي يوريثان والأكريليك جدة 0582223480 Jeddah Polyurethane
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Liked on YouTube: عشب صناعب جنود يلبسون عشب صناعي
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Liked on YouTube: بلاط وأرضيات مطاط، ملاعب رياضية، نجيلة، إكريليكRubber Surfacing, flooring rubber, Polyurethane Wonderful Videos Watch it...!

Liked on YouTube: بلاط وأرضيات مطاط، ملاعب رياضية، نجيلة، إكريليكRubber Surfacing, flooring rubber, Polyurethane
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Liked on YouTube: نجيلة صناعية وطريقة تركيب عشب صناعية بالملاعب 0552998172
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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

العزل الصوتي عن طريق رولات المطاط

الفريق السعودي للعشب والمطاط العازل الصوتي

العزل الصوتي:
 هي مجموعة المعايير والإجراءات التي تهدف إلى توفير عزل مناسب لمكان ما بغية التخفيف من الأصوات المزعجة الناتجة من المصادر الصوتية المختلفة أو الحد منها.

تاريخ العزل الصوتي:
سعى الإنسان منذ بداية الخلق إلى حماية نفسه من الظواهر الطبيعية، كأصوات الرياح والرعد وأصوات الحيوانات، وذلك بغية توفير الجو الهادئ المناسب للنوم ليلاً في الكهوف.

العزل الصوتي بالمباني المرتفعه:
يتم عزل المباني المرتفعة لمنع إنتقال الصوت من مكان إلى آخر
وذلك بسبب سهولة إنتقال الصوت عبر الأجزاء الخرسانيه.

عبارة عن ذبذبات واهتزازات تنتقل على شكل موجات
 خلال الوسط السائل او الغازي او الصلب
ويكون مدى قدرة الانسان لتحمل هذه الموجات
 للسمع حوالي 16 الى 16000 ذبذبة في الثانية
وما يزيد عن هذا المدى هو مايعرف بالموجات فوق الصوتية.

ماهي مواد العزل الصوتي:
1-      وحدات جدارية عازلة للصوت وهي بلاطات ممتصة للصوت، تتكون من وجهين غالبا وتكون محببة من الكوارتز الملون والملصق بالراتنج، وتتميز بقدرتها على التحمل وسهولة التنظيف ولا يمكن تشويهها بالرسم عليها.
2-       ألواح الصوف الزجاجي ويتكون اللوح من وجه من الصوف الزجاجي والوجه الآخر من ورق الألومنيوم المثقب الذي يقوم بامتصاص الصوت، ويمكن تركيبها في حوائط و الأرضيات والأسقف، وتستخدم في المباني التجارية والصناعية الجديدة أو التي تحتاج إلى تجديد.
3-       ألواح من رغوة البلاستيك مثقبة أو محببة الوجه.
4-      ألواح من مواد ورقية مضغوطة ومثقبة الوجه.
5-       ألواح مربعة أو مستطيلة من الجبس مع ألياف في الوجه والداخل.

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